• remote work decision

    How to determine, whether you should work remotely

    Here is a fun fact, every second person I had met in my life hated their jobs. Sometimes it was simply because they could not figure out what they really wanted to do with their lives but in most cases, the oppressing working routine was to blame.

    Get up at 6, brush your teeth, spend 1,5 hours commuting to work by train and then by subway, sit in your cubicle trying not to yawn all day (8 hours, mate!) and then there goes subway again. Who could survive this vicious circle? My father actually has been struggling with such a regime for more than 30 years constantly repeating he’d love to work from home. Unfortunately for him, my father is an engine driver so the closest he was to work from home was while playing with my brother and his toy train set.

  • Student resume

    Mission Impossible: how to write a recent graduate cv when you have no experience yet

    I imagine you are sitting now at the floor wrapped in a black graduation robe with a square hat perched on your head, the hat that you rented to celebrate your freedom and forgot to return. Only there is no freedom, is there?

    College may be over, but you have student loans to pay, parents are no longer willing to support you, you desperately need money to pay the bills, to buy food and new video games. 

  • Paddington Bear Writes a CV

    Paddington Bear Writes a CV

    Despite the childish title, this article concerns quite a serious issue connected with some difficulties one may encounter when applying to job openings and thus writing a CV for British head hunters. But first a preface!

  • waste bucket

    How to Escape the Waste Basket

    Inexorable statistics show that only three persons out of ten job applicants who send their CVs get shortlisted and interviewed. The other seven resumes end up being tossed into a wastebasket, the necropolis of high hopes and aspirations.

    Any job seeker would confirm that creating a CV is an exhausting endeavor, and I personally cringe at the very thought that the effort put into this work could go to waste. That is why when writing a resume you have to do absolutely everything to make sure it stands out. Here are some useful tips on how to do it.

  • internship-for-freshers

    8 Ultimate Truths About Internships

    Let’s say you finally got your diploma, that freshly-printed little piece of paper, already laminated and framed, ready to be hung on the wall at your workplace. Long years of tedious studying are left behind… Well done! Do you expect a cookie for that? If so, go get yourself one, along with a sticker for a good job and a medal (a chocolate one). The only thing you most definitely will not get is a job.

    That was actually a bit harsh and exaggerated, but the truth is that labor market is overcrowded, the competition out there is fierce and you do not have anything so special about you yet, no matter what your parents have to say. That is why your CV will probably end up getting lost in the “reject” pile amidst many other similar, faceless resumes of your former fellow students.

  • interview

    Is it a job interview or a quiz show?

    At least 10 questions are asked during a regular job interview that lasts half an hour. Some of them are pretty basic and simple, but some can be tricky and some can be even confusing. Sometimes seating face-to-face with your interviewers makes you feel like you are a contestant on a quiz show trying to win a million dollars or something like that. The only difference is that no lifelines are available. You can not phone a friend or ask the audience, you can not even see answer choices!

  • Resume creator

    Some Useful Tips for Beginner Conquerors and Job Seekers

    To the untrained eye, the connection between conquerors and job seekers can seem quite a vague one. In fact, with the current competition on the market being fiercer than the one for the Iron Throne, they have a lot in common. Do you want to know what you share with Alexander the Great and Napoleon Bonaparte when you are looking for a new position?