• resume for medical worker

    Tips For Creating The Most Effective Healthcare Resume

    Pursuing a career in healthcare can be rewarding in many ways. First, it’s a profession that enables us to make a difference, and have a more meaningful workday. Secondly, people who decide to pursue a career in healthcare are sure to be in high demand, since the healthcare sector increasingly grows. And, lastly, choosing this career path usually comes with a steady and satisfying income, making healthcare professions even more desirable to young individuals.

  • how to switch career text

    A 4-step guide to switching careers

    A police officer turned baker. Or a shopkeeper turned lawyer. A zookeeper who traded his love for animals to become a chef. Those are all cases where people changed their profession to pursue their dream careers.

    There’s a wide variety of reasons why people wish to change careers. In some cases, they become aware of their passions or bring up the courage to take their lives into their own hands later in life. In other cases, career changes come for more pragmatic reasons – out of the need for greater flexibility and a need for money, to name a few.

  • References in resume

    How (and when) to include references on a resume?

    Putting references in a resume was once considered as a norm. However, now many employers don’t ask candidates to send them straight away. Instead, they are most commonly required at the end of the recruitment process.

    However, including references in your CV is (almost) always a good idea as they vouch for your credibility and competency. That said, we decided to give you all the know-how on how to include them in your CV and improve your chances of getting an interview.

  • Common resume problems

    The five most common resume-making problems (and how to avoid them)

    You’ll finally be going to do it! You’ll change that life-draining job, and start fresh. You won’t settle for anything. This time, you’ll choose carefully, avoiding past mistakes.

    Determined, you sit in front of your laptop, because, after all, you need to polish and make a new resume that will stand out from the crowd. But, 20 minutes into it, there’s still a blank page staring back at you. What’s wrong?

  • How To Create A Free Resume

    How to Create a Free Resume with Applyya?

    Do you know that more than two-thirds of candidates doubt the quality of their CV?

    We get it.

    Writing a resume can be a daunting experience for many. Frequently, even just a mere thought about creating it can be a legitimate cause for a persistent headache.

    However, as much as we dread making it, our CVs are crucial in every job search. More so, they are our passports to the business world and our biographies of sorts.

    To make the CV making process easier, we decided to show you how to make a resume fast, using our free online CV editor Applyya.

  • Create HR resume

    How to Write a Powerful HR Resume

    Usually, making a CV is a first step towards finding a new job. In some cases, we just need to update it – fill out the latest achievements and skills, ensuring we dotted every “i” and crossed every “t” there is to be crossed. In other, we need to make it from scratch.

    However, before sending it, all of us check online what hiring managers will look for in our CV’s, and make sure to tweak what we find lacking.

    On the internet, we can find plenty of tips and tricks hiring managers want to read when they get a CV. They want to see the right keywords, short descriptions of our duties, a list of our hard and soft skills. In short, they are looking for the signs we would be a great asset to the team.

  • globus with resume

    How to structure a resume and get noticed?

    Getting a job is much harder in today’s competitive market. Some of the reasons for such competitiveness hide in the fact many companies now hire remotely, which broadens up their talent pool.

    That’s why having a well-crafted CV that will capture the recruiter’s attention is so important.

    Structuring a resume is a significant step during a job hunt process because it helps candidates stand out from the crowd and get noticed by hiring managers.

    That’s why we decided to provide you with a few useful tips on how to structure a resume, to attract the hiring manager’s attention.

  • summer work for students

    How to Find a Great Summer Job 2020 Edition

    One of the greatest Aesop’s fables, the one about the ant and the grasshopper, tells a story about the hardworking ant who prepared his stock of food for the winter while the grasshopper played his fiddle for the whole summer. Once, the winter came, an ant was secured while the grasshopper had to beg for food.

    This story can be served as a great example for all of us. It means we should work hard, and leave immediate satisfaction aside for the future long-term benefit.

  • resume for students

    How to write a CV when you have little to no experience

    Navigating through the job market can be tough and time-consuming, even for the most skilled workers. However, things are even rougher for those with little to no experience. Luckily, there are ways to turn this situation in your favor, and successfully mask the lack of practical knowledge. We will show you how you can make a resume quickly using cv builder, and win the job searching process in no time.

  • resume for remote employees

    How to Write a Winning Resume for Remote Jobs

    Do you know that more than 50 percent of workers want to work from home at least three days per week? Remote work has become increasingly popular in recent years. To further back up this claim, we will cite one Gallup study which found that, in comparison to 2012, there was more than a thirty percent increase of remote employees among the US workforce. If you are among those who crave remote work, you’re at a good place. We’ve decided to share a few resume tips to help you land a remote job.