How to Write a Powerful HR Resume
Usually, making a CV is a first step towards finding a new job. In some cases, we just need to update it – fill out the latest achievements and skills, ensuring we dotted every “i” and crossed every “t” there is to be crossed. In other, we need to make it from scratch.
However, before sending it, all of us check online what hiring managers will look for in our CV’s, and make sure to tweak what we find lacking.
On the internet, we can find plenty of tips and tricks hiring managers want to read when they get a CV. They want to see the right keywords, short descriptions of our duties, a list of our hard and soft skills. In short, they are looking for the signs we would be a great asset to the team.
However, what about those situations when the tables are turned? What happens when HR managers are looking for a new job? Do they listen to their own advice, or is it the same case as with the shoemaker who always wears the worst shoes?
Even though there’s no formula to craft a winning HR resume, hiring managers can use some tips and tricks to impress their future employers. We decided to provide a few tips to apply while using the resume maker for hiring managers:
- Highlight important keywords.
It’s not a secret that technology plays a significant role in our lives. In fact, nearly 70 percent of the resumes never see the human eye due to applicant tracking software.
This is why we should use as many keywords we can think of to attract both the human eye and ATS software companies might use in recruiting the best talent.
To avoid your CV from being passed over, make sure you include all HR-related keywords. An excellent way to do so is to create a section within your CV which will focus solely on your skills and core competencies, and place them in the form of bullet points, making them “skimmable” to human and non-human eyes.
- Clarify your experience.
Depending on the type and the size of the organization, the responsibilities of HR managers could vary. Smaller organizations might prefer having a “one-man-band” when it comes to HR so that they might be doing everything from the recruitment to compensation and benefits. On the other hand, other, larger companies have several people who manage different aspects of Human Resources.
When applying for the job in human resources, you should highlight your skills and achievements, depending on your previous experiences. Think about all the aspects of your job that made your coworker’s life better, and include it in your CV.
- Show numbers.
Nothing shows success better than the numbers. That’s why, while crafting their CVs, hiring managers should include numbers that undoubtedly testify their competences. For instance, you can say you decreased employee retention by 20 percent or streamlined the hiring process and decreased hiring time by 15 percent.
- Be simple.
It can be hard sometimes to put all your achievements in the CV, or you might be having trouble organizing the sections and doubting whether you should adopt a “go big or go home” approach and craft your CV in complex programs such as Photoshop.
Luckily for you, there are online resources that can help you solve this problem successfully. Applyya, for instance, is one of the best online CV makers that can help you make a simple and effective resume. There are plenty of premade templates to choose from, which can be further customized to your needs. Besides being a time-consuming option to make your winning CV, Applyya is completely free – meaning that once you fill out your information, you can simply download the PDF and start with applying.
- Think about the transferable skills you possess.
As an HR manager, we’re sure you’re aware of the importance of transferable skills. Highlighting them in your resume will enable you to move to positions within HR departments, regardless of your level of expertise.
Before you start writing your CV, consider all skills you’ve achieved through the career, formal or informal education that could help you win the job. Strategize and prioritize those skills based on the job you’re applying to. In the end, with the online CV maker, it takes two seconds to tweak a resume to match the specific ad’s demand.
Key takeaways.
Regardless of your level of expertise, sometimes it can be so easy to overlook the things you’re most familiar with when you do it for yourself. To stay on top of the game, make sure you follow through these steps to complete a resume and increase the chances of getting hired.